We’ve built the foundations. Now help us fly!

Bank details below

  • Cheques should be made payable to BW Foundation and posted to:

    336 Pinner Road
    Middlesex, HA1 4LB, UK

  • Bank: Lloyds Bank
    Name: BW Foundation
    Account No: 18595860
    Sort code: 30-15-95
    IBAN: GB13 LOYD 3015 9518 5958 60

  • Pay To: Bank of New York Mellon.
    Favouring: Habib Bank AG Zurich, Moorgate, London; Swift Code: HBZUGB2L
    Sort code: 70-06-72
    A/C with Institution: Habib Bank AG Zurich, Harrow, Middx, UK

    Name: BW Foundation
    Account No: 20101920
    IBAN: IBAN GB30 HBZU 6094 9973 1019 20

  • Pay To: Natwest, Overseas Branch, London.


    Favouring: Habib Bank AG Zurich, Moorgate, London; Swift Code: HBZUGB2L

    Sort code: 70-06-72

    A/c with Institution: Habib Bank AG Zurich, Harrow, Middx, UK

    Name: BW Foundation

    Account No: 20101920

    IBAN: IBAN GB63 HBZU 6094 9951 1019 20

  • Pay To: Bank of Montreal, Toronto


    Favouring: Habib Bank AG Zurich, Moorgate, London; Swift Code: HBZUGB2L

    Sort code: 70-06-72

    A/c with Institution : Habib Bank AG Zurich, Harrow, Middx, UK

    Name: BW Foundation

    Account No: 20101920

Services at the Salaam Centre

Youth and Children facilities

Library and lecture theatre

Islamic education

Dedicated prayer hall

Language Lab

Ghusl facilities

Health and well-being

Multi-purpose community hall

Stay engaged.

Let us know if you would like to join us and fundraise for this amazing project.