Woodcock Hill Cemetery

A natural Sanctuary for Green Burials

BW Foundation has maintained leasehold ownership of grave spaces at Woodcock Hill Cemetery since 1988.

Presently, the available area for new burials within the section leased by BW Foundation, specifically designated for Muslim Burials, is referred to as Section J.

Those interested in interring their deceased family member in Section J are requested to observe all terms and conditions outlined in this Burial Policy, alongside adhering to the Rules and Regulations stipulated by the Three Rivers District Council, who serve as the Burial Authority for Woodcock Hill Cemetery

Cemetery Information

What to do in the event of a death

These are general guidelines. Seek professional advice for specific situations.

Section J - A Lawn Cemetery

Section J has been designated as a lawn cemetery since May 2014. This means that only standardised headstones are permitted to mark the graves. You may choose to have a full kerb or none.

It's important to note that BW Foundation retains control over the layout and appearance of Section J, as well as the graves within it. By seeking a right of burial within Section J, you agree that BW Foundation may maintain the section as it sees fit and in compliance with the Council’s Rules.

Any items left within or erected upon the land within Section J without authorization, including memorials, borders, or plantings, will be removed without notice.

The standardised headstone, featuring a motif and ayat, will be engraved with the name and dates of birth and death of the deceased. Families may add their own inscription on two lines.

Arrange a Burial

Kindly complete the form provided below to initiate the process of arranging a burial and pay the burial fees below



1 April to 30 September - 8am - 8pm

1 October to 31 March - 8am - 4pm - dependent on light