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Weekly Tafsir Classes of The Holy Quran

Tafsir Classes with Shaykh Bahmanpour discussing the 3rd Chapter of the Holy Qur’an (Surah Aale Imran).

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Shaykh Bahmanpour has studied sociology at LSE and has acquired an MA in the subject from Tabatabai University, Tehran.

While turning in his studies from Mechanical Engineering at Queen Mary College to sociology at LSE he developed a deep interest in religious studies. This interest eventually led him to the seminary in Qum, the most renowned centre for Shiite studies where he was absorbed to different branches of Islamic studies. After progressing to the Advanced Seminary level, he was invited to teach at the University of Cambridge, department of Oriental Studies, where he taught for three years before moving to the Islamic College. Apart from his academic pursuit, he is interested in script writing. He is well known for writing the script for the acclaimed movie and television series St Mary.

To find out more, visit The SICM Website

22 April


25 April

Ladies Only Yoga Live