Salaam Alaykum!
This February update will:
- Update you on our rapid progress
- Salaam Centre feature - show you the second hall overlooking the prayer hall
- Latest news and forthcoming talks at the Salaam Centre.
We hope you enjoy this February 2023 Update.
In February, we made rapid progress in the Salaam Centre development, alhamdulillah!
The building is now racing to the sky as the first floor now cast and the second floor taking shape.
Our contractors, TNV, pulled in long hours to ensure the vast first floor section was in place with 280m3 of concrete poured in a single day.
Now, a lift shaft and columns are appearing on the second floor and slab work will commence in March.
Significantly this month we gave the go ahead for the manufacture of Krion external cladding materials from Spain. With its bespoke design based on our values, the material will wrap around the Salaam Centre and contribute to its iconic design.
The entire project team has been engaged in agreeing details of the façade glazing and cladding which we shall bring further news upon in the coming months.
The Second Hall
This month, in our preview of what to expect from the Salaam Centre, we showcase the Second Hall, which will be situated on the second floor.
This hall overlooks the beautiful prayer hall and has space for hundreds to join in Salaat. The area is over 180m2 in size and has been adapted to ensure the space can be used in many different ways.
To consider naming this hall, or other parts of the Salaam Centre, contact us at
We have recently had visitors to site - including Dr Azhar Barkat Asaria who was able to walk on the second floor! Please do come along and have a look at the fantastic work!
£100,000 raised since the last update - we need a further £1.4m
We've come this far, now help us finish this blessed project
Support YOUR Salaam Centre
We now need to urgently raise £1.4m to complete phase 2.
Before the signing of the contract in October 2022 we had raised £3.4 million, since then we have managed to get donations and pledges of £1.2m for the period ending January 2023. We now need your help and hope that you will be able to help contribute to reach our £6m target.
Please contribute whatever you can, no amount is too small - £25,000, £10,000, even £5,000 or £1,000.
Alternatively, make your commitment long term and take out a standing order.
We are most thankful to thousands of you for your support to date. Every pound collected has helped. While hundreds of you have kept your contribution anonymous, we are grateful to the many major donors who have agreed to be named in order to encourage others. Click here.
May Allah SWT reward you in abundance.
If you would like a trustee to contact you or contact the potential donor please email a request to or
You may also send a WhatsApp message to:
Nizar Merali: +447836 599099
Weekly talks to nourish your soul and feed your mind
Every Friday at 8.00pm starting with salaat. Talk starts at 8.15pm
LIVE and in person at 39 Gloucester Road, North Harrow, HA1 4PR
Watch on YouTube
Tuesday 7 March
A'maal for15th Sha'ban
Led by Ahmed Mousawie
Wednesday 8 March
Celebrating 15th Sha'ban
By Shaykh Ahmed Haneef
Ramadan Programme

Watch our excellent collection of past speakers on our YouTube channel.
Find out about all our events here.
Professional Events
To benefit our community, we are hosting a series of events centred around professions.
The second Fireside chat took place on 26th February and was with Amazon Bestselling Author Hassan Kubba, who discussed ‘Unfair Advantages’ and how we can leverage them as a community. We had an excellent turnout and great feedback on the event!
On 29th January, we welcomed a group of dental professionals for an event looking at Adhesion Made Easy. The session was led by Dr Salman Pirmohamed and the attendees visited the Salaam Centre site after the talks.
It was a pleasure to welcome people to the site during the previous phase of the project - and now that the next phase has started, we welcome you once again to see the works!
Donate generously and be ambassadors of the Salaam Centre.
Ask your friends and relatives to donate. Tell them about the Salaam Centre's unique offering.
You can forward this email, or share the resources below:
If you would like to find out more about these events, please visit our website: and join our mailing list or follow us on Instagram (@sicm_mahfil_ali).
We are always looking for volunteers to help too - so please do email us if you can help!